Dual Wielding: A Movie Trope We Wish Was That Easy
Dual Wielding weapons is a technique that looks extremely impressive. The movies make it look easy, but is it effective in the real world?
Marlin 30-30: Why I Learned to Embrace the Marlin Model 336 and Forget the 94 Winchester
The Marlin 336 (aka Marlin 30-30) is a classic lever action rifle. Although Ruger makes a new one, don’t overlook the original for your next meat getter.
The Curious Case of “No Step on Snek”
No Step on Snek speaks to different people in different ways. Good symbols often do that, especially when descended from the Gadsden Flag. It’s almost an earlier version of today’s FAFO.
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OSBWGOK: The Mad Duo’s Institute for Lexiphanic Studies
A good vocabulary is important! At the Online School of Big Words for Grunts and Other Knuckledraggers we embrace the use of 5 dollar words (and even the fifty dollar ones!).
Illustrated: The Ballistics of Contact Gunshot Wounds
Contact gunshot wounds result from worst-case grappling fights and can help inform us on our firearms and ammunition choices for personal protection.

Primary Arms Giveaway: Geissele Automatics Super Duty AR15!
A typical Primary Arms Giveaway is more than just a gun giveaway. It’s a package designed with intention to create comprehensive build.
Win a Custom P365 XL Spectre and a Big Damn Prize Package
This gun giveaway comes from Guns.com and the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR). It includes a custom P365 XL Spectre and other goodies to the tune of $5,000 in prizes.
Africa Lyrics to a Cold War African Video
If you're looking for Africa lyrics, meaning the words to the iconic song by Toto, you're in the right place. We're just gonna arrange it so you can listen to them while listening to what should have been the official music video of the time. You know, back when music...
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Explosive FPV Drone Goggles: Ukrainians Echoing Israelis?
Explosive (i.e. booby-trapped) FPV Drone Goggles have successfully infiltrated into Russian UAV units by Ukrainian intelligence.
Storming Fortress Pacifica: Iwo Jima 80 Years Later
At 0840 FEB 19 1945, eight Marine battalions from four regiments begin moving toward the beach, initiating the landings for the Battle of Iwo Jima.
5 Best Touch Screen Tactical Gloves on amazon
Looking for the best touch screen tactical gloves? Here's a list of the Top 5 review evaluated Touch Screen tactical gloves on Amazon. 5. Magpul Technical Lightweight Work Gloves Touch Screen with an average of 4.5 stars over 1426 reviews, its very clear why...
Double Shot Glass “Flask Bang”
The “flask bang” is a custom whiskey flask (really more of a double shot glass) in the form of a flashbang. Because it’s cool. BYOB, y’all.
Henry SPD Rifles: Leading With a New Take on American Classics
Appealing to a more diverse generation of shooters than ever before, Henry is doing something big with their new Special Products Division (SPD) guns. And I, for one, am here for it.